Retail Open!
To our customers,
Since we first began responding and adapting to COVID‑19 in March, (golf course name) has let care drive our decision‑making: care for our teams, care for our customers and care for our communities.
That has meant being there for our customers in new ways: to stay connected as we have stayed apart, to stay creative at a time when we all need some entertainment, and to stay healthy at a time when health is so front of mind.
And it meant taking a big step to close our retail operation to protect the health and well‑being of our customers and teams.
As of Monday February 22 we have made the decision to open the retail part of our operation to our customers again. We wanted to share a bit about how we’re carrying forward our commitment to care: how it’s informing our decision‑making and the steps we’re taking to keep everyone who visits our golf course safe.
Our maximum capacity in the retail part of our operation will be limited to 5 people at a time. Masks will be required at all times, stay 6 feet apart and remember if we ask you for your help in keeping all of us safe we do it with your care in mind.
The road ahead
The response to COVID‑19 is still ongoing, and we recognize that the road back will have its twists and turns. But whatever challenges lie ahead, COVID‑19 has only reinforced our faith in people — in our teams, in our customers, in our communities. Down the road, when we reflect on COVID‑19, we should always remember how so many people around the world put the well‑being of others at the center of their daily lives. We (golf course name) plan to carry those values forward, and we will always put the health and safety of our customers and teams above all else.
Thank you for all you’re doing to support the COVID‑19 response — whether that’s volunteering, donating, sharing gratitude for our medical workers, or maintaining social distance to protect the health of our communities.
Stay well, stay safe, and we hope to see you soon.